AnimeInfo.ru - Всё о японской Анимации

Сайт АнимеИнфо.ру - это бесплатная энциклопедия по японской анимации и мультфильмам.

English - Песни : NEW WORLD / /
[2015-02-24 11:02:56]
NEW WORLDTell me I don't understand anything, but
You always say those kinds of words, too

You find another way where we only pass each other by
And rush out into a world that's ending, you know?

Hello, hello, it's a New World!
Faster than light, with monochromic speed
Hello, hello, it's a New World!
Further away than time, I run through it; you're so......
English - Песни : Travel In Mind / /
[2015-02-24 09:05:21]
Travel In Mindlet's dive into a world never before seen
no need to worry 'cos this is the beginning of a journey

i'll take a silver coin and toss it
no need to pick a destination 'cos the future is right there

if you've whispered the signal as always
see? a miracle will happen

*travel in mind
have you ever seen a wonderful world?

travel in......
English - Песни : edge / /
[2015-02-24 06:42:03]
edgeYou are always going like this, and even if you pile on the lies
You can never again return by this road
What kind of dream were you drawing and fell into
That time when you lost your footing on the other side of the border?

The future visible in tomorrow isn't even close to satisfactory, but
Perhaps we're living clinging to such things
Surely the truth is......
[2015-02-24 04:59:00]
SenyaichiyaI walk away from here, pondering which way to go.
The sun is setting early, painting the clouds with its glow as it disappears.
The children next to me are singing the same song for the third time.
Unable to remember the words to end it, they repeat the last verse over and over.

Your eyes whispered, "We don't need beginnings or endings."
What kind of memories do......
[2015-02-24 04:59:00]
SenyaichiyaI walk away from here, pondering which way to go.
The sun is setting early, painting the clouds with its glow as it disappears.
The children next to me are singing the same song for the third time.
Unable to remember the words to end it, they repeat the last verse over and over.

Your eyes whispered, "We don't need beginnings or endings."
What kind of memories do......
[2015-02-24 02:56:29]
Kimi ga Ita MonogatariBecause we invite the peace and tranquility from afar,
It looks like we will have to travel a bit further
Only holding your hand, we cross the freezing night.

Because we met when you were hurt with your head hung low,
And if the pain can go away, you can let go;
Because on the dirtied water, there is a beautiful reflection of the moon

That is the......
English - Песни : Kioku / / Memory
[2015-02-24 01:02:45]
KiokuI'm sure that you'll return here in the end,
to the place where we watched the beginning of the world together
Just once in my life I reached that place for sure
so even if I let go of your hand I wouldn't be afraid ever again...

The memory pooling into the empty shell of my body
is shaping and filling me up a little at a time
That is the way humans take......
[2015-02-23 23:21:08]
Tasogare no UmiSailing out into the sea of twilight,
The two of us shall never cross paths again......

A golden light falls into the sea, the wind has paused
The two of us, frightened, hear only the light crashing of water

I've forgotten my path completely, what I believed in to make it this far
Leaving in me only enough kindness to say goodbye

No matter how......
Japan - Песни : Boukoku Kakusei Catharsis / /
[2015-02-23 21:39:37]
Boukoku Kakusei CatharsisNageki no kabe wa tsumi agerarete
Oroka no kami wa tatematsurareru

Ikiru wa dokuhai kiyuu no kurushimi wo
Nomihosu sube wo dare ga sazuke you
Taiyou ni sumu to iu kenja no washi
Habataki dake ga kodama suru

Kono futatsu no me ni yadotta
Yami to hikari sono docchi de
Boku wa ashita wo
Mitsumeru beki na no darou

English - Песни : Silly-Go-Round / /
[2015-02-23 19:16:30]
Silly-Go-RoundEven if we wake from this dream,
I will extend my hand...

If our hearts could be called together
By the same strength,
I will be able to
Take on everyone's wounds.

If we just care a little bit more,
This wall will surely crumble
Before the dawn.

Even if we wake from this dream, we have no choice
But to keep running alone......
English - Песни : Suigetsu Kyouka / /
[2015-02-23 17:30:36]
Suigetsu KyoukaDistant memories
Drawn on the water's surface
Are rising on the kingfisher's waves

My body
Towards the unreachable bottom
Bending, sinking, falls joltingly

Before being born
The place I saw the dream swimming
Without anything at all
Everything was overflowing
I guess it was the shore woven with light?

My warming......
Japan - Песни : GOD DIVA / /
[2015-02-23 15:47:02]

Koufuku no tane ikaga to
jigoku ni sumu tenshi ga
uri ni kuru no nara

Gukou no hou oyasuku
kenran gouka na sangeki
otameshi ikagadeshou

Fusoku no wana he to ochitemo
yuunou na bengodan ga
tasuke ni oide to ima sara
shinjiterasshaimasu no?

Saa sa youkoso
koko ga kyuusai no chi
anata wa......
English - Песни : In The World / / N/A
[2015-02-23 13:58:56]
In The WorldIf I don't have my words,
Like the wind, I will wonder
If we can continue singing.
Certainly nobody will be told about this.
I hope to be able
To love people.

From the first time my fingers touched you,
My life began to bud.
Both the sky and the earth are near me.
I could think that I am living here,
In the world.

Japan - Песни : Hakua Byoutou / / Chalk Ward
[2015-02-23 12:11:45]
Hakua ByoutouMabuta wo akete nao
yami naraba
yume no soko ni todomari mashou

kono mi oou shiroi ka-tenn ni
azayakana e wo egaku
anata no yasashii manazashi

mitsumete kudasai
kono yo ni tatta hitori de
na mo naki tamashii wo

dareka ga watashi ni
sotto furereba
sono yubi ga anatadato
[2015-02-23 10:28:56]
Junkyousha No YubiNow take care to count the hearts
Coiled like thorns inside this body
From there to here, and there
Snapped and burst
By the hate, the jealousy, the love, the desire

Ah, all at once I have these feelings for you
Ah, I couldn't contain it anymore
Such ends the torture

Connect these blood vessels
Sew my flesh together with red string......
[2015-02-23 10:28:56]
Junkyousha No YubiNow take care to count the hearts
Coiled like thorns inside this body
From there to here, and there
Snapped and burst
By the hate, the jealousy, the love, the desire

Ah, all at once I have these feelings for you
Ah, I couldn't contain it anymore
Such ends the torture

Connect these blood vessels
Sew my flesh together with red string......
English - Песни : Yogore Naki Akui / /
[2015-02-23 08:35:27]
Yogore Naki AkuiThe young beast who bears these wounds
Is enclosed and locked up in a cage.
It only dreams of running off
Into the wasteland known as freedom.
That is my current appearance.

Japan - Песни : Obsession / /
[2015-02-23 05:27:09]
Obsessiondeep in the night
far off the light
missing my headache

visions of light
sweeter delight
kissin' my loveache

how come I must know
where obsession needs to go?
how come I must know
where the passion hides its feelings?

how come I must know
where obsession needs to go?
how come I must know
Japan - Песни : Obsession / /
[2015-02-23 05:27:09]
Obsessiondeep in the night
far off the light
missing my headache

visions of light
sweeter delight
kissin' my loveache

how come I must know
where obsession needs to go?
how come I must know
where the passion hides its feelings?

how come I must know
where obsession needs to go?
how come I must know
[2015-02-23 03:46:19]
SenyaichiyaI walk away from here, pondering which way to go.
The sun is setting early, painting the clouds with its glow as it disappears.
The children next to me are singing the same song for the third time.
Unable to remember the words to end it, they repeat the last verse over and over.

Your eyes whispered, "We don't need beginnings or endings."
What kind of memories do......

Из истории Аниме:

Аниме, было признано как одно из самостоятельных направлений в искусстве в конце 20-го века, а 1958 год считается началом возниковения анимации. Хотя корнями уходит к началу 20-го столетия, в то время японцы стали проявлять заметный интерес к иностранным техникам создания мультфильмов.
Первый короткий мультфильм был создан приблизительно в 1907году и состоял из изображений на которых мальчик рисует иероглифы Означающие- "движущиеся фотографии" (в те времена использующиеся для обозначения слова кино), и повернувшись к зрителю снимает шляпу и кланяется. Автор и художник анимации неизвестны.
Но считается, что истенный аниме бум начался с выходом в 1963году аниме-сериала Tersuwan Atom / Astro Boy/ Могучий Атом выпущенной студией Mushi Productions основатель Осаму Тэдзуки.
В 70x годах бурно развитие кино индустрии и рост количество производимых анимеционных фильмов все больше и больше привлекают к себе внимание.
Появляются новые специфические аниме жанры, такие как меха - про боевых роботов. И постепенное взросление научной фантастики в аниме привело к смещению акцента сериалов на более реалистичные и проработанные фильмы, где понятие добра и зла уже на так прямолинейны и характеры персонажей проработанные более глубоко что позволяет рассматривать одни и те же проблемы с разных точек зрения - в результате чего на сайте АнимеИнфор.ру специально выделен раздел Персонажи.

В отличии от Фильмов и европейских мультфильмов, по мимо жанров и возрастных групп, аниме делится и по половому признаку есть Аниме для девочек(девушек) и аниме для мальчиков(юношей).
А разнообразие жанров очень велико и разнообразно. Что каждый может найти что нибудь себе по вкусу. Хотя очень часто в анимационном фильме очень трудно определить один жанр, в результате чего один фильм можно отнести к нескольким жанрам - наиболее выделяющимся по сюжетной линии жанрам.

Отдельного внимания с Аниме заслуживают Seiyu (сейю) - голосовые актёры, от их озвучивания очень сильно зависит эмоциональное состояние персонажей и передаваемое настроение от мультфильма к зрителям. Часто голосовые актеры озвучивают песни звучащие в заставках и концовках аниме серий
- на сайте выделен специальный раздел Люди - посвящённых голосовым актерам, исполнителям песен, и всем тем без кого не получился анимационный фильм.

В результате ежегодно выходят десятки новых телесериалов - разделённых по аниме сезонам и наш сайт АнимеИнфо.ру поможет вам разобраться с вашими желаниями и найти Аниме по Актерам, Персонажам, Жанрам, Годам выхода аниме и дням рождения актеров.
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