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Рейтинг : Просмотров : 378


Aниме - Digimon Tamers ;
Комментарий - Evolution Theme ;

Naritai jibun yume ni miru no wa
Dare ni mo tanomenai sa

Try kiba wo muita yasashisa mo arun da
Mamoritai mono no mae de wa

Sekai ga kawaru kitto kono itami wo norikoetara
Mayotteru hima wa nai sa tatakawanakucha
Keshiki ga kawaru sora mo osorenai yuuki motta kara
Chigau jibun wo sagashite tobitateru hazu sa

Iiwake bakari kangaete mata
Nanika no sei ni suru no ka?

Cry kizu tsuitari atsuku naru kara koso
Ikiterun daro omokiri

Ashita ga kawaru motto kono namida to mukiaetara
Nige komu basho wa nai sa tatakawanakucha
Rekishi ga kawaru koukai shinai to kimeta koko kara
Yowai jibun wo taoshite umare kawareru sa

Sekai ga kawaru kitto kono itami wo norikoetara
Mayotteru hima wa nai sa tatakawanakucha
Keshiki ga kawaru sora mo osorenai yuuki motta kara
Chigau jibun wo sagashite tobitateru hazu sa

Who you want to become, what you see in your dreams
You can't ask anyone for help

Try, sometimes there's kindness we bare our fangs at
When there's something we want to protect

The world will change, I know it, if you can overcome the pain
There's no time for doubt, you've gotta fight
The scenery will change, because you have the courage not to fear the sky
You can take off, looking for another you

Thinking of more excuses
Will you once more put the blame on something else?

Cry, it's because we get hurt and get passionate
That we live to the fullest

Tomorrow will change, more, if you can face these tears
There's no place to hide, now you've gotta fight
History will change, becayse from now one you've vowed to have no regrets
You can destroy the weak you and be reborn

The world will change, I know it, if you can overcome the pain
There's no time for doubt, you've gotta fight
The scenery will change, because you have the courage not to fear the sky
You can take off, looking for another you

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