AnimeInfo.ru - Всё о японской Анимации
Рейтинг : Просмотров : 325


Английское название - N/A ;
Aниме - Licensed by Royal ;
Комментарий - - ;
I have never sought for loneliness
I have never sought for tenderness
To see things I've never seen

I'm alone in the world that I don't seem fit for
And maybe... 'cause lately... I can't ve sure....

I don't know what to do,and where to go
So I'm a leaf
I've waited and waited for something to catch so long
But I know that I will make it
I'm into the sun
Like a five-eights beat...
Dreaming is singing of the mind

I don't know what to do,and where to go
So I'm a leaf
I've waited and waited for something to catch so long
But I know that I will make it
I'm into the sun
Like a five-eights beat...
Dreaming is singing of the mind

I don't know what to do,and where to go
So I'm a leaf
I've waited and waited for something to catch so long
But I know that I will make it
I'm into the sun
Like a five-eights beat...
Dreaming is singing of the mind
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(c) 2001-2013 АнимеИнфо - посмотреть аниме бесплатно и без регистрации. Время : 0.01458 сек. : Память 0.43 MB.