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Fly High

Aниме - Digimon Adventure 02 ;
Комментарий - Miyako and Hawkmon song ;
kizutsuke au bakari tatakau no mayou wa
sore wa komarimashita chikara kashite kudasai
PASOKON ijirushika dekinai no yo watashi
sore ga yoi tokoro desho hokori ni omoimasu

shikkari shinakucha
honki no shoobu Fly High

takaku takaku tobe
kumo o nori koete
tooku tooku yuke
shiranai sekai e

watashi ga inakutatte minna komaranai desho
sunenai de kudasai tasuke atte ikimashou
teraou ni iwanai de mada nayande iru no yo
kora wa GEEMU janai hontou no bouken desu yo

sunao ni naretara
hashiridaseru ne Fly High

takaku takaku tobe
kaze o kirisaite
tsuyoku tsuyoku nare
kagayaku mirai e
takaku takaku tobe
kumo o norikoete
tooku tooku yuke
shiranai sekai e

All we do is hurt each other, fight and get lost
That did trouble me, but please change all of that into our strength
I can't do anything but tamper with computers
That is a lovely place; you should be proud of it

I've gotta be level-headed
This is the true test, fly high

Fly, fly high
Go over the clouds
Go, go far
To an unknown world

It doesn't trouble anyone if I'm not there
Please do not pout, let's help each other instead
You don't say that like it's anything remarkable, so I'm still worried
This is not a game, this is a real venture

If I can become meek
We will be able to begin to run, fly high

Fly, fly high
Tear apart the wind
Be, be strong
To a shining future
Fly, fly high
Go over the clouds
Go, go far
To an unknown world

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