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Fly Me to The Moon

Автор слов - Frank Senartra ;
Композитор - Frank Senartra ;
Aниме - Shinseiki Evangelion ;

Fly me to the moon,

And let me play among the stars,

Let me see what spring is like,

On Jupiter and Mars,

In another words hold my hand,

In another words darling kiss me,

Fill my heart with song,

And let me sing forevermore,

You are all I longed for,

All I worship and adore,

In another words please be true,

In another words I love you,

Fly me to the moon,

And let me play among the stars,

Let me see what spring is like,

On Jupiter and Mars,

In another words hold my hand,

In another words darling kiss me,

Fill my heart with song,

And let me sing forevermore,

You are all I longed for,

All I worship and adore,

In another words please be true,

In another words I love you,

Only you, Only you

Fill my heart with song,

And let me sing forevermore,

You are all I longed for,

All I worship and adore,

In another words please be true,

In another words I love you,

In another words I love you.

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