AnimeInfo.ru - Всё о японской Анимации
Рейтинг : Просмотров : 457


Английское название - 151 ;
Aниме - Pocket Monsters ;
Комментарий - 1st Ending Song ;
nakama no kazu wa
sorya yappari zettai gatchiri
ooi hou ga ii

gutaiteki ni wa
sorya hakkiri kikkari tappuri

sukoshi yuuki ga
arya batchiri shikkari nikkori
nakama wo getto

dakedo mo tamanya
arya!? ukkari sukkiri gakkuri
nakama nigetto

*kimitachi to no deai wa zenbu
chanto oboeteru
kizutsuke atta koto mo atta kedo
soreha e~to wasureta

mada mada takusan
kanarazu dokoka ni
nakama wa iru hazu

**hyakugojuuichi no yorokobi
hyakugojuuichi no yume
hyakugojuuichi no omoide

mezashite ganbaro!

#repeat from the beginning

As for the number of my friends,
Unmistakeably, undoubtedly, unshakeably,
The more the better.

Concretely speaking,
Frankly, precisely, fully,
One hundred and fifty one.

With just a little bit of courage,
Unwavering, unshakeably, smilingly,
You can make many friends...

But then sometimes,
Wha!? Inadverdently, spontaneously, regretfully,
They slip away.

*All of the times we hung out together,
I remember each and every one.
There were also times when we hurt each other but,
Speaking of which (uh...) I forgot...

**Somewhere out there waiting for me,
There has still got to be,
Many friends to make, I'm sure.

One hundred and fifty-one joys to be had,
One hundred and fifty-one dreams.
One hundred and fifty-one memories,

Take aim, and do your best!

#repeat from the beginning

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