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Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru

I'll buy you juice!
Английское название - I'll buy you juice! ;
Aниме - Keroro Gunsou ;
Комментарий - 3rd opening theme ;
Ananan anaanan...

Kyou wa ukiuki hatsu DATE
Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Getsushou 10-man ika dakedo
Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Tokidoki bouryoku furuu kedo
Tama ni JUICE o katte ageru
Shokuji wa kimi ga haraina yo
Boku wa JUICE o katte ageru

Koitte yappari GIVE&TAKE
Motomete bakari ja setsunai ne

Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Boku no JUICE o hanbun ageru
Kimi ni tama ni boku no JUICE o a-ge-ru

Eki no HOME de machiawase
Kimi no kaban o motte ageru
Zaseki wa boku ni yuzurina yo!
Boku wa kaban o motte ageru
ELEVATOR ni noru toki wa
Boku ga BUTTON o oshite ageru
Sono kawari, yachin toka kounetsuhi wa zenbu haratte yo! Onegaishimasu yo!
Boku ga BUTTON o oshite ageru

Koitte douzen FIFTY FIFTY
Kimi ni futan o kakenai yo

Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Boku no JUICE o hanbun ageru
Kimi ni tama ni boku no JUICE o a-ge-ru

Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Kimi ni JUICE o katte ageru
Boku no JUICE o hanbun ageru
Kimi ni tama ni boku no JUICE o a-ge-ru

Ah, ah, ah! Ah-ah ah, ah!
Ahh, Saturday night!

I'm happy today because it's my first date!
I will buy you some juice!
Even though my monthly pay is below 1,00,000 Yen...
I will buy you some juice!
Sometimes I am violent, but
Sometimes I will buy you some juice!
You must pay the bill!
But I'll buy you some juice!

Love's really about give and take!
When what you want is so trivial, it's painful, isn't it!

And that's why!
I will buy you some juice!
I will buy you some juice!
I'll give you half of my juice!
For you, sometimes, my juice - I'll give you some!

I have an appointment at the station platform!
I will hold your bag for you!
Give your seat to me!
I will hold your bag!
When I got on the elevator;
I will push the buttons for you!
Instead of that, pay my rent and fuel costs! I beg you!
I will push the buttons for you...

Love is of course a 50-50 effort!
I'm not a burden on you...

And that's why!
I will buy you some juice!
I will buy you some juice!
I'll give you half of my juice!
For you, sometimes, my juice - I'll give you some!

I will buy you some juice!
I will buy you some juice!
I'll give you half of my juice!
For you, sometimes, my juice - I'll give you some!

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