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Love Will Light the Way

Английское название - N/A ;
Aниме - Haibane Renmei ;
Комментарий - - ;
I see you waiting for me
I see you smile tenderly
Deep in this world we are one
Deep in this world we can be

Anything we want to, anything we'll ever need
Caring for each other, helping everyone that's here, you see

So don't you worry if you're feeling bad
We will come and comfort you and hold your hand
You know that life is what we're living for
No matter how you feel
Love will always light the way

Watching the wings of time
Knowing that we're alive
And free

I see you waiting for me
Your smile knows we hold the key
We are the tribe of this world
Once lost but now we are free

We will always be here, we will always live in peace
Helping everybody, living in community, you see

So don't you worry if you're feeling bad
We will come and comfort you and hold your hand
You know that life is what we're living for
No matter how you feel
Love will always light the way

Watching the wings of time
Knowing that we're alive
And free

So don't you worry if you're feeling bad
We will come and comfort you and hold your hand
You know that life is what we're living for
No matter how you feel
Love will always light the way
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