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Luck Will Turn Someday

Английское название - N/A ;
Aниме - Licensed by Royal ;
Комментарий - - ;
When you're feeling good
And everything seems to go well,
You may think you can rule the world.
Or when you're feelin' down
And all you do may go wrong,
You may think you're a foolish man.

When you're feeling good
And everythin seems to go well,
You may think you can rule the world.
Everybody has their day
Arrogance will run your luck
Never get stuck-up!
Watch your every step!

You can take your way to left,
You can take your way to right.
Any way you'll choose it
Go ahead until the end!
You can take your way to east,
You can take your way to west.
Any way you'll choose
You'will win something.

When you're feeling down
And all you do may go wrong,
You may think you're a foolish man.
may be your luck's running out
Desperation throw your luck
Never get despaired!
Luck will turn someday!

You can take your way to left,
You can take your way to right.
Any way you'll choose it
Go ahead until the end!
You can take your way to east,
You can take your way to west.
Any goal you'll reach
You will win someday.

You can take your way to left,
You can take your way to right.
Any way you'll choose it
Go ahead until the end!
You can take your way to east,
You can take your way to west.
Any goal you'll reach
You will win someday.

Run until the end!
Your luck will turn someday!
I wanna say,luck will turn someday!
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