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Melancholy no Kiseki

Tracks of Melancholy
Английское название - Tracks of Melancholy ;
Aниме - Urusei Yatsura ;
Комментарий - 4th Movie Ending Song ;
Omoitsumeta hitomi de
kagayaku yuuhi o minaide ne.
Nantonaku okashikute.
Sore dake tsurai.

Ai ga subete o koeru no nara
kizutsukazu ni
tooi onaji yume o mune no oku de
moyaseru no ni
melancholy no ame
namida yori mo tsumetai no ne.

Headlight o nagame
kanawanu koi to akiramete.
Kore ijoo wa dakenai.
Anata mo tsurai.

Shinjiru mono ga mieteru kara
heiki dakara
kinoo wa kinoo da to
ima anata ga kizukanai to
melancholy no ame
tada hitasura setsunai dake.

Aoku hikaru machi ni
futari de nara mi o nagete mo
melancholy no ame
sono namida wa kanashikunai.

Don't look at the shining sunset
with heartfelt eyes.
It seems funny, somehow.
That alone is hurtful.

If love overcomes everything
without getting hurt,
even though we can burn
the same dream in the depths of our heart,
melancholy rain
is colder than tears.

Stare at the headlights
and give this love up as unattainable.
We can't embrace any further.
You too are hurtful.

Because I can see what I believe,
because I'm OK,
so long as you don't realize
that yesterday is yesterday,
melancholy rain
is just extremely distressing.

Even if we two throw ourselves
into the blue shining town,
melancholy rain,
those tears aren't sad.

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