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Nageki no Endless

Grief Is Endless
Английское название - Grief Is Endless ;
Aниме - Fist of the North Star ;
Комментарий - Ten no Haou OP ;
kami no ikari shizumetamae
inoritamae agametamae
oni no sadame ai ni mamire
yoku ni mamire hito ni mamire

kodoku na yoru ai ni furete
ai ni nurete ai ni uete
sakareta michi mune ni kizamu
toki wo uramu hito wo netamu

ranse no shikiso karada mushibamu
nureta kobushi ga shigaramitsuku

kodoku na yoru ai ni furete
ai ni nurete ai ni uete
kegareta hibi shigeki motome
kako ni obie yami ni kogoe

chigireru hitomi karamaru ishiki
shagareta koe ga matowaritsuku

mogakeba mogaku hodo
nigereba nigeru hodo
nageki no endoresu
endoresu endoresu
subete wo te ni shitemo
negai ga kanattemo
emoshirenu munashisa ga

taegatai kodoku nareteku itami
toketa kioku ga kasabaritsuku

mogakeba mogaku hodo
nigereba nigeru hodo
nageki no endoresu
endoresu endoresu
subete wo te ni shitemo
negai ga kanattemo
emoshirenu munashisa ga

mogakeba mogaku hodo
nigereba nigeru hodo
nageki no endoresu
endoresu endoresu
subete wo te ni shitemo
negai ga kanattemo
emoshirenu munashisa ga

mitashite mitashite
mitashite mitashite

The wrath of God, please calm it,
pray to it, worship it.
The demon's fate, taint it with love,
with desire, with people.

The lonely nights, touch them,
drench them, starve them with love.
The broken path, engrave it in your heart,
curse time, envy others.

The stains of chaos corrodes your body,
binding your drenched fist.

The lonely nights, touch them,
drench them, starve them with love.
The corrupt days, looking for persuasion,
frightened by the past, frozen in darkness.

Torn eyes and entangled senses,
a hoarse voice follows you everywhere.

Even if you keep struggling,
even if you try to escape it,
grief is endless.
Endless, endless.
Even if you get everything you desire,
even if all your wishes are fulfilled,
an indescribable emptiness
surrounds you.

Unbearable loneliness and a familiar pain,
the dissolving memories continue to pile up.

Even if you keep struggling,
even if you try to escape it,
grief is endless.
Endless, endless.
Even if you get everything you desire,
even if all your wishes are fulfilled,
an indescribable emptiness
surrounds you.

Even if you keep struggling,
even if you try to escape it,
grief is endless.
Endless, endless.
Even if you get everything you desire,
even if all your wishes are fulfilled,
an indescribable emptiness
surrounds you.

Be satisfied, be satisfied,
be satisfied, be satisfied.

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