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Only One, No.1

Aниме - Di Gi Charat ;
Комментарий - Opening Song ;

sekai de ichiban kagayakeru made

ichinichi, mainichi wo tanoshiku ikite
totsuzen umarekuru setsuna no fuan

2000 nen mondai yori... no no sore ijou ni juudai na koto
jibun no YUME

sekai de ichiban kagayakitai omoi wa No.1 STAR
kono sora no naka de

wasurecha ikenai ne jibun no kachikan
yuzurenai TOKO mamoru yuuki wo kudasai

"me wo ubau kurai hayai SUPIIDO no ryuukou ni wa noseraretakunai"

sekai de ichiban kagayakitai daremo ga No.1 STAR
sorezore ni aru
kimi no CHIKARA ga iki hisomete matteru only one!
hayaku kizuitette

sabishii ne hitori wa OSHARE datte iranai

sekai de ichiban kagayakitai omoi wa No.1 STAR
RAIBARU ja nakute
sekai de minna kagayakeru no wa minna iru kara
nanika ni hi wo tsukerarete
shigekiteki sonna nichijou ga subete wo kaeru
kagayakeyo No.1 STAR

Until I shine the most in the world

I live a whole day, everyday in enjoyment
Yet suddenly, a moment of anxiety was born

More than the problem of 2000 years...no no, something more serious than that is my future1

I want to shine the most in the world, that thought is the No. 1 STAR
In this universe2

I mustn't forget, right? My own value
Please give me the courage to protect the place that I can't concede

"I don't want to be riding on the vogue at the speed fast enough to capture my eyes"

I want to shine the most in the world, a No.1 STAR
Dwells in each and everyone
Your abilities are lying hidden and waiting, only one!
Hurry up and realize them

Lonely, isn't it? Alone, one doesn't even need to dress up...

I want to shine the most in the world, that thought is the No.1 STAR
It's not a rival
Everyone in the world can shine, because everyone's here
I get lit afire by something
And such exciting days will change everything
Shine, No.1 STAR

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