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Aниме - Witch Hunter Robin ;
Комментарий - Opening Song ;
Hitomi wo fuseruto sugukieteshimaisoude
Jibun ga mishiranu tanin ninattaki gasuru
Kanashiihodo chippokena

Sukuwaretaikara tameiki wo tsukuno janaku
Kakidashite shimatta kodoku no kehai no kazu wo Tada kazoeteita

Kawaita jikan no nakade
Oboreterumogaiteru kokoro
Memaiga surukurai no uso wo
Uketomete hikisaita
Soshite watashi ga mayoikomunowa
Usuyami no sekai

Shinjirubekimonono tamenitoeranda basho wa
Jiyuu wo kagi nishita ori no nakadeshou
Kesshite mou nukedasenai

Kawaita nodo no oku de
Hajimatta hakanasa no wake wa
Chikazuku ashita ga kowaikara
Uzukumari kuzuretemo
Watashi wo sagashite sasayakikakeru
Usuyami no koe

Kawaita jikan no nakade
Oboreteru mogaiteru kokoro
Memaig asurukurai no uso wo
Uketomete hikisaita Soshite watashi ga
Usuyami no sekai

It's like I'll disappear as soon as I close my eyes
I feel like I've turned into someone that even I don't recognize
Sadly, I've become so small

I want to be rescued, but instead of sighing
I vomited up my loneliness, and just lay there, measuring it all up

Amidst this drop of time gone dry
My heart is drowning and writhing
These lies that make me dizzy
I took them and tore them up
And with that, I became lost
In a world of thin darkness. [1]

For the sake of those whom I should trust
I chose to come here, a cage into which I've locked myself, and now
there's no escape.

Deep inside my parched throat
Lies the reason for this growing impermanence [2]
Scared of the approaching tomorrow
I cower and collapse
But it seeks me out and whispers to me
This voice of thin darkness. [1]

Amidst this drop of time gone dry
My heart is drowning and writhing
These lies that make me dizzy
I took them and tore them up
And with that, I became lost
In a world of thin darkness.

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