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Tasogare no Umi

Sea of Twilight
Английское название - Sea of Twilight ;
Aниме - .hack//Liminality ;
Комментарий - Ending Theme ;
tasogare no umi ni dete
futari wa nido to mou meguri aenai no......

kin no akari ga umi ni ochite natsu no kaze ga togireta
obieru futaru ni tada yosete kaesu mizuoto

nani o shinjite koko made kita michi mo wasure hateta no
sayonara tsugeru tame no yasashisa dake nokoshite

donna ni nami o kasanete omoide o sakende mo
anata no ita kishibe ni wa mou kaerenai

tasogare dake o daite
ano hi no nami wa mou fukai umi no soko
kanashimi o shiranai aoi yume o mite nemutte iru

kurai mizu no mukou ni yureru shiranai machi no akari
totemo chikaku ni mieta mahoroba no hana no koro

ano toki mou hitotsu dake tooi nami o koetara
anata no iru kishibe made tadori tsuita no

tasogare no umi ni dete
futari wa nido to mou meguri aenai no
sabishii manazashi o kasanete nemutta yoru mo kiete

tasogare dake o daite
ano hi no nami wa mou fukai umi no soko
kanashimi o shiranai aoi yume o mite nemutte iru
tasogare no umi ni dete
futari wa nido to mou meguri aenai no
sabishii manazashi o kasanete nemutta yoru mo kiete

Sailing out into the sea of twilight,
The two of us shall never cross paths again......

A golden light falls into the sea, the wind has paused
The two of us, frightened, hear only the light crashing of water

I've forgotten my path completely, what I believed in to make it this far
Leaving in me only enough kindness to say goodbye

No matter how many waves crash down as I cry out to my memories
I can't ever return to the shore you were on

With only the twilight in their embrace,
The waves of days past are already deep at the ocean's bottom
Knowing no sadness, dreaming blue dreams, fast asleep.

The light of an unknown town flickers beyond the dark waters
Back when the flowers of paradise seemed so very close

If I had crossed over one final distant wave at that time,
Would I have reached the shore you were on?

Sailing out into the sea of twilight,
The two of us shall never cross paths again
And the nights of falling asleep looking into your lonesome eyes will disappear.

With only the twilight in their embrace,
The waves of days past are already deep at the ocean's bottom
Knowing no sadness, dreaming blue dreams, fast asleep.
Sailing out into the sea of twilight,
The two of us shall never meet again
And the nights of falling asleep looking into your lonesome eyes will disappear.

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