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Utsukushii Hoshi

beautiful planet
Английское название - beautiful planet ;
Aниме - Windaria ;
Warui yume wo miteita
Soko wa chikyuu no hate
Tatakai no tsugi no asa
Nanimo kikoenai
Daremo inai

Suki na hito ni kakomare
Heiwa ni kurashiteru
Dakedo ashita ni wa wakaranai
Haritsumeta shizukesa na no

*Aa utsukushii hoshi
Aa dare ga kowashitemo ikenai
Aa yasuraka ni nemuru
Kodomo-tachi ni tsutaete yuku tame ni

Nakushita mono ga amari
Oosugite wasureta
Aozora dake wa nokoshite oite kudasai to

Aa utsukushii hoshi
Aa haruka na toki no hajimari ni
Aa umareta hikari wo
Watashi-tachi wa shiru sube sae mo nai

* repeat

I had a bad dream
I was in the end of the word
Morning after the battle
There is not sounds
There is not anybody

Surround to the lovely ones
I live in peace
however, The tomorrow I don't understand
It was a suspense silence

*Aa beautiful planet
Aa no one should destroy it
Aa peaceful dream
So we can transmit it to the children

Somethings I lost it
Many things I forgot
Only the blue sky leave me please
I want shout

Aa beautiful planet
Aa the beginning of the time, long time ago
Aa light that birth
We have no way of knowing

* repeat

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