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Welcome (English Version)

Английское название - N/A ;
Aниме - Di Gi Charat ;
Комментарий - - ;
The day is all brand new, here comes the sun. SHINE SHINE
And people are all out, having fun. LET'S PLAY!
Today we start the cleaning. SWEEP SWEEP SCRUB SCRUB
There's too much to do, I really need help ~nyo
Why bother with the small stuff, don't wanna worry ~nyo
Even if I mess up, even if I screw up, I'll do my best! THAT'S RIGHT!
And so I'm busy again, it never stops. No.
And though I may wear out, I get in battle mode ~nyo.

Welcome to, Welcome to, Welcome to my house
I will work hard ~nyo, I will not fail, as long as it is for you.
Welcome to, Welcome to, Welcome to my heart
Why don't you come on down and visit me today.
I'm waiting ~nyo

I see the setting sun, day will be gone BYE BYE
We'll start again then tomorrow, ~yeah SEE YA SEE YA
Today I had lots of fun, now I must run.
Thank you Mr. Sun, I'll see you again ~nyo
Why bother with all those things already past ~nyo
Even if I messed up, even if I botched up. I did my best. THAT'S RIGHT!
Today was busy again, but I don't care. No.
And I don't feel too bad, cuz I'm in battle mode ~nyo.


Footsteps go PATAPATA. Shiny stuff goes PIKAPIKA
Sunset goes YURAYURA. Little cat goes FUWAFUWA
Don't mind the small stuff, don't wanna worry ~nyo
Even if I mess up, even if I screw up
Don't mind the old stuff, already past ~nyo
Even if I messed up, even if I botched up.

And though I may wear out now, I get in battle mode ~nyo.

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