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moeru ishi ni natte

Becoming a Fiery Stone
Английское название - Becoming a Fiery Stone ;
Aниме - Haibane Renmei ;
Комментарий - Reki's Image Song ;
fuan ni asobu taiyou no
moeru iro
playing uneasily, the sun casts a
flame-colored shadow
unending red darkness
oh! those days I that I chased after my beloved scenery

someone I've never seen before
how can I answer her, how can I seek her out?
if, like taking a breath of air
I believe in you
will I become a pure flame at last?

if there was a day when I cried naturally
and a night when I wasn't able to cry at all
after I embrace the fate I wished for and
my gentle repentance:

the world I have never seen before
no matter what, I remember it, seek it out
I'll be by your side, I'll be by your side
so believe in me
I'll become the last pure flame

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